
Jedilaw attended Star Wars: Where Science Meets the Imagination exhibit in Fort Worth, and he took a couple hundred 8-megapixel shots that he posted online. Chief among the models, he photographed the ISD Devastator, the 3 foot version from Star Wars: A NEW HOPE.

And now, Jedilaw's Photographs:
Imperial Star Destroyer Devastator - Ft. Worth Exhibit.

I want to thank Jedilaw for sharing these wonderful images. This is the sort of reference library that every Star Wars 3D model hobbyist dreams of accessing.

The two images on this page are from the original Star Wars movie which later became known as A New Hope. They partially convey the feeling of size and power of the ship that came roaring across the screen in pursuit of the rebel's blockade runner. However they cannot convey the detail imbued into the model by the artisans at Industrial Light and Magic.

This collection of images will help admirers get a sense of that detail.