
Jedilaw attended Star Wars: Where Science Meets the Imagination exhibit in Fort Worth where he took a couple hundred 8-megapixel shots that he subsequently posted online. Among the models, he photographed one of the fan favorites:
Tantive IV - The Rebel Blockade Runner

And now, Jedilaw's Photographs:
Tantive IV - Ft. Worth Exhibit.

I want to thank Jedilaw for sharing these wonderful images. This is the sort of reference library that every Star Wars 3D model hobbyist dreams of accessing.

"We're on a diplomatic mission..."

The two images on this page are from the original Star Wars movie which later became known as A New Hope. They cannot convey the detail imbued into the model by the artisans at Industrial Light and Magic.

"If this is a Councilor's ship, where is the Ambassador?"

This collection of images will help admirers get a sense of that detail.